DuPont™ Cyrel® Solutions presented new Cyrel® Lightning UV-LED optimized plate family 


Cyrel® LSH, the first of the new platform of photopolymer plates, reduces the access time by up to 42%*.

DuPont™ Cyrel® Solutions introduced the new Cyrel® Lightning plate family optimized for UV-LED exposure systems, such as the Esko XPS Crystal, to make full use of these systems’ capabilities. The benefits of the plates include a further optimized match between access time and plate performance, while not compromising the print quality.

Previously, exposure settings on LED units often had to be adjusted for either higher quality or shorter access time. Cyrel® Lightning plates challenge this as they were formulated from the ground up with UV-LED exposure characteristics in mind.

“Cyrel® Lightning plates use chemistries with tailored UV profiles to achieve tunability between surface- and through-cures. This innovation enables a balanced cure that can be tailored to the unique dynamics of a scanned LED exposure sequence. At the same time, it provides sufficient through-cure using a finely tuned UV absorption profile,” says Suniti Moudgil, Global Technology Leader at DuPont.

Cyrel® LSH is the first of the new range of photopolymers plates and will be available in 045 and 067 gauges; it is solvent processable and comes with certified exposure recipes in the latest software of the Esko XPS Crystal units. It is also an hard durometer plate with smooth surface, ideally suited for advanced surface screenings and optimized for a broad range of substrates and clean press runs in flexible packaging, tag & label and paper printing applications.