COVID-19: Corrugated industry provides sufficient transport packaging


FEFCO would like to reassure the public, customers and partners and let them know that the Corrugated Industry is producing enough transport packaging for those sectors that are essential now, such as pharmaceuticals, food and drinks or medical equipment.Most Corrugated Cardboard plants in Europe are working high speed in order to ensure the deliveries of Corrugated packaging to these essential sectors. Almost all plants are fully functional, so far transport of raw materiasl have not become a major problem.

“The industry urges governments to keep the borders open  and  make  it  easy  for  the  trucks  to pass as such transports are vital for the medical and food sectors” says FEFCO Secretary General, Angelika Christ. The EU Commission has issued guidelines for an effective border management, protecting health while preserving the integrity of the internal market to prevent shortages of medical equipment or food.

While adapting the recommendations of WHO and other institutions in the plants, the companies minimise the risk of shutdowns there due to Corona. FEFCO is grateful for the dedication and commitment of all people working in the corrugated packaging industry.