BW Flexible Systems reduces its carbon emissions by 92% in Italy


BW Flexible Systems, a Barry-Wehmiller Packaging Systems company, has reduced carbon emissions at its Italian facilities by 92% via a partnership with E.ON, one of Europe’s largest operators of energy networks. As of January 1, 2022, the flexible packaging company’s two Italian manufacturing plants—located in Mestrino and Monte di Malo—are now powered by 100% renewable energy, as certified by E.ON.

“Our partnership with E.ON is one of many sustainability improvements we will be making to support a greener manufacturing industry moving forward,” said Michele Allamprese, Vice President, Europe, for BW Flexible Systems. “In addition to reducing our own CO2 footprint, these sustainability improvements will allow our customers to reduce the environmental impact of their supply chains throughout 2022 and beyond.”

Previously, BW Flexible Systems’ Italian facilities were powered by a mix of brown and green energy sources. Based on data certified by the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, BW Flexible Systems in Italy estimates that changing its energy to 100% renewable sources will reduce carbon emissions by 252.61 tons in the first year.

“We are extremely pleased with the leadership demonstrated by our team members and supply chain partners in Italy,” said Michelle Bryson, Global Sustainable Packaging Leader for all BW Packaging Systems companies. “This is precisely the kind of initiative we will look to emulate across the broader BW Packaging Systems organization as we continue to develop our sustainability programs.”

In addition to this carbon footprint reduction effort, BW Packaging Systems recently announced a broader sustainability roadmap, which includes better usage of responsible materials, recyclability, efficient packaging design, waste reduction and more. Developing the path to execute some of these plans could take place at BW Flexible Systems’ Technical Centre of Excellence in the U.K., among other BW Packaging Systems locations that have the space to collaborate with customers and suppliers on more sustainable solutions.

BW Flexible Systems creates flexible packaging solutions by bringing together some of the industry’s most trusted and innovative brands, including Hayssen, Thiele, Rose Forgrove, Sandiacre, Schib, Simionato, Streamfeeder, Symach and others. Its range of machinery options includes form-fill-seal packaging, horizontal flow-wrapping, bag filling and palletizing, and more. BW Flexible Systems is one of several Barry-Wehmiller companies represented in BW Packaging Systems, which brings together the collective packaging capabilities of Accraply, BW Flexible Systems, BW Integrated Systems, Pneumatic Scale Angelus and Synerlink.