Aleyant Announces Expansion of Pressero Web-to-Print Integrated Services


Aleyant, an innovative leader in providing robust software services to the graphic communications industry, announced that as part of its ongoing expansion of Pressero Integrated Services, the company now offers seamless integration with EFI PrintSmith Vision and EFI Pace print MIS solutions for advanced order-to-invoicing automation. Originally developed in conjunction with franchisor Alliance Franchise Brands, whose franchise members benefit from integration efforts, Aleyant has now made this highly productive integration available to all Pressero customers as part of Pressero Integrated Services.

“As long as users have the Pace or PrintSmith Vision API available, they simply need to turn on the integration within Pressero, set up appropriate login conditions, and map fields so information can pass back and forth,” explains Trent Foreman, Aleyant’s Director of Product Management. “It’s easy to do, and it can start pushing information within a few hours, with full deployment in a couple of days.”

Foreman points out that in today’s market, there is growing demand for the ability to assemble custom workflows, often using cloud-based modules from a variety of suppliers, to create a flexible workflow that meets specific organizational needs. “Every company is different,” he adds, “and customers are looking for solutions that are open and easily integrated with a variety of other components. That’s the strategy behind Pressero Integrated Services, and we are delighted to be able to include integration with EFI’s market-leading print MIS offerings.”

Over the past six years, we have made extensive investments in services and infrastructure to support our franchisees, including our WorkStream™ technology package,” said Joe D’Aguanno, Chief Technology Officer for Alliance Franchise Brands’ Marketing & Print Division. “Many of our franchisees have taken advantage of MIS integrations to Pressero within the WorkStream architecture. We have also adopted Aleyant Pressero as a web-to-print offering within WorkStream. That’s why we were pleased to work with EFI and Aleyant to add this additional integration that will help our franchisees be more efficient and profitable. Plus, independent printers who use EFI MIS solutions and wish to sign up as a franchisee with us will also be able to benefit from a more seamless move into our WorkStream ecosystem.”

With the integration in place, when an order or change to an order is received by Pressero, job, job parts (including production files), contacts and shipment entries are automatically generated into the EFI MIS system. This not only speeds the job through production, capturing all relevant information within the MIS, but it eliminates the potential for human errors that can occur when information needs to be manually entered. Seamless communication ensures that information is aligned between the two systems.

This integration is immediately available to Pressero customers with either EFI PrintSmith Vision or EFI Pace print MIS solutions.