Levig Italia: transforms the cement of industrial floors into a mirror


    Levig Italia is a company with thirty years of experience and today managed by Stefano Anselmi, with his wife, sons as well as a couple of collaborators. A family company that has been able to specialize in a niche market, but in recent years is growing rapidly. “Over the years we have developed and perfected the polishing techniques, turning old cements into mirror polished floors. We have developed, with the collaboration of important laboratories, well-known worldwide, a complete range of cement-based materials designed to have excellent mechanical characteristics and easy polishing”, says Stefano Anselmi, in his company’s offices in Codogno (Lo).
    There are no limits to possible applications: wherever there is an industrial floor to be revamped, Stefano with his collaborators is able to provide an appropriate solution, obviously preceded by the consultancy aspect, essential to identify the type of intervention to be performed.
    “In recent years we have carried out numerous interventions in leading companies in the packaging sector, such as ACM in Cremosano (Cr) or recently at Sacchettificio Nazionale Corazza (Pd) and we are perfectly aware of the needs of these sectors. We have studied ad hoc solutions for the food packaging sector subjected to strict regulations, with particular attention to transit of forklifts, to scratches of pallets, to accidental falls of inks and solvents on floors, which with a polishing treatment, beyond to have a bright and pleasantly attractive appearance, respect hygiene regulations and can also be easily cleaned up”, concludes Anselmi.
    The process takes place without the use of harmful chemical agents, but only thanks to a dozen diamond sanding steps with specialized machinery, followed by 3 coats of consolidation and hardening of the cement. The process times required for this polishing are around 100 square meters per day. The company is also certified HCCP and BCR. An industrial floor subjected to this treatment is able to last, without needing to be treated again, up to 100 years!