Grafiche Paciotti presents “PRIMA”, the first recycled paper produced from production waste and at zero kilometer


Thanks to a partnership with Cartiere di Trevi, the only paper mill in Umbria active since 1960, Grafiche Paciotti is launching a paper with a very low environmental impact on the market, produced entirely from 100% processing waste. To produce 1 kg of paper, a CO2 emissions impact is produced which is reduced by -70% compared to pure cellulose paper and -40% compared to common recycled paper, also reducing emissions due to transport by 90% thanks to the adoption of a short production and distribution chain that collaborates exclusively with local realities.

Grafiche Paciotti

“With the market launch of PRIMA we want to offer ourselves as a replicable example for all Italian companies in the sector, supporting the growth of a short and sustainable supply chain. What we hope is also a cultural change. Our paper, entirely produced from waste, does not undergo chemical bleaching processes and this makes it “imperfect”, but its imperfection is replaced by a much more powerful environmental and moral value which makes PRIMA’s choice not only ecological but also cultural”, said Marco Bracalente, shareholder and partner of Grafiche Paciotti.

The first company to adopt PRIMA paper is Allegrini S.p.A., specialized since 1945 in the production of professional detergents and, for over 30 years, cosmetics for hotel industry. The company has chosen to use the zero-impact Prima paper for all the secondary packaging of its Hemp Care lifestyle line, cosmetic products made with Italian and organic hemp oil, intended for the retail channel, entirely formulated, produced and packaged in Italy, in the Grassobbio (Bg) plant.

Grafiche Paciotti 2The Earthback project, launched by Grafiche Paciotti last year, is proposed as an exemplary model for companies in the sector, arguing that the adoption of a short and sustainable supply chain is the only way for a company that defines itself as innovative and step with the times. The launch of Prima is part of the wider Earthback ecological transition project. The aim of the project is to monitor and significantly reduce the impact generated by production on the environment. Just a few months ago, the company published its first voluntary environmental report, in collaboration with Efficert, certifying the company’s carbon footprint impact of direct emissions in 2021. Since 2022, the company has been part of Impatto Positivo network of companies, having allocated part of own profits for the purchase of 17,000 Regusto Impact Token which certify the social and environmental impact generated on the national territory by the virtuous cycle of donation/recovery and redistribution of products at risk of waste. The positive impact generated is equivalent to: 34,000 equivalent meals distributed; 17,000 kg of CO2 avoided; 34,000 m3 of water saved; 51,000 m2 of soil saved.