Saldoflex-Elba: the results of a collaboration are always positive


Elba, which produces pouch making machines and Saldoflex, specialized in the production of flexo printing machines and bag making machines, have decided to integrate their technological know-how, their great knowledge of the market to offer the world of converting a complete range of machinery for the production of any type of pouch or bag, being able to count on the commercial synergy between the two companies, which will maintain absolute financial independence.

In the last period, all industrial and manufacturing sectors have realized that, rather than thinking only about their own company and interests, it is much better to collaborate, to work together pursuing common goals. This is what Saldoflex and Elba did: in the name of the well-known, and today more than ever true, proverb that says “unity brings new strength”, they decided to combine skills and sales network to be stronger and more competitive for customers and competitors.

The protagonists of the agreement
To deepen the details of this partnership we spoke with Marco Filippini, Project Manager & Sales Operations, Saldoflex and Stefano Luoni, Strategic Development Manager.
Saldoflex was founded in 1961 as Officine Meccaniche Filippini & Paganini, the company grew rapidly and became a point of reference in the flexographic printing machine manufacturers sector. But that’s not enough, the company wants to expand its offer and enters the market of automatic heat sealers to process plastic films. Then in 1972 Saldoflex was founded: the product lines became two and the company continued its growth. In 2008 Saldoflex, through a company merger, incorporated Filippini & Paganini business unit and became a single entity. The historic Filippini & Paganini brand today represents the Flexo Division, the brand under which are sold flexographic printing machines. Today 50 people work in the Solbiate Olona plant, in the province of Varese. “We oversee both the Italian and foreign markets, and our turnover derives mainly from foreign activities with a percentage of 60%, a well-established trend that I believe will continue in the future; the market is however effervescent also in Italy, and above all in the south, above all thanks to financial incentives and concessions that support investments”, says Marco.
Saldoflex has understood that finding the right partners can bring great results: from the technological synergy with Bosch Rexroth was born LEAF-S8, a central drum flexo machine based on artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, able to regulate set-up pressure automatically and quickly, making the printing process more efficient.

Elba, based in Magnago (MI), where work 50 people, was founded in 1956 as an electromechanical company by  Luoni brothers, after a few years started the production of thermoplastic welders. In 1976 Fiborsin company was founded, dedicated to the construction of extrusion lines for plastic nets and minizips (hinges), two years later the third company of the group, FAE, was born, which develops hardware, software and performs electrical wiring, today Siemens Partner Solution. In 1998 Elba group acquires FAMA company in Sesto Calende, which built vacuum bag making machines, thanks to which today, after various technological product evolutions, Elba can boast a position of European leader; in 2010 it entered the medical/pharmaceutical sector becoming a market leader. To complete the range, Elba produces welding machines for production of wicket bags, thermoshrinking bags and heavy duty/security bags. Elba’s turnover also derives mainly from sales abroad, about 80% of the total.

Working together with a common goal

The decision to create this partnership was “a natural choice, even if on a practical level the catalyst was an agent shared by our companies, because we understood that the market requires welding machines for reel material but also for vacuum bags so Marco and I said to ourselves, why we do not integrate our sales force in order to offer a wider range of solutions: today our offer includes welding machines of different production levels and also Saldoflex flexo printing machines; now we are stronger, and we can also share the costs necessary to preside over the markets both in Italy and abroad”, says Stefano.

“Our idea is to propose ourselves on the market with the same sales force that will offer Elba and Saldoflex solutions, in this way we will not only be able to offer customers machinery for any type of pouch or bag, but we will give them the possibility to print these products with flexo machines by Saldoflex, thus becoming a single point of reference for the converting world of transformation”, explains Marco.
Obviously the partnership starts from a commercial collaboration, but the integration of the respective technical skills and knowledge is also foreseen, with the aim of reaching new markets even in geographic areas far from Europe.
Both companies are characterized by a strong innovative drive. At next K in 2022 Elba and Saldoflex will present themselves together and are already working on the new equipment they will exhibit at the fair, certain that customers will enthusiastically welcome the convenience of being able to turn to these two companies to find an unrivaled product portfolio in terms of range, quality and value.