Sipack at CCE International – Hall B6 Stand 960


    Sipack is an Italian leading manufacturer of corrugated machinery that are installed all around the world. At CCE 2019 they’ll present the Flexo Folder-Gluer Royal VB DD and Counter Ejector Royal.

    They are fully servo-drive machines, ideal for any output. The main features are high precision and great performance, even with heavy die-cut jobs.

    The bottom-printing Flexo Folder Gluer Royal VB DD is ideal for multi-colored jobs. It features 4 pairs of slotting shafts with independent slotting heads. Maximum precision and options for a quicker setup like automatic blocking system for the cliché and the dies. The folding section benefits of vacuum transfer, “no fishtailing” system and electronic glue control system with automatic ejection of faulty bundle.

    Effective even at the highest speed, with extremely quick setup, easy and completely automatic unit, sheets enter the squaring section from top to bottom, making the Sipack Counter Ejector Royal an ideal machine even for heavily die-cut boxes. Designed with 100% direct-drive motors, it helps reducing downtime and can be installed onto any flexo folder gluers.