Laminati Cavanna: sustainable flexible packaging thanks to DEC Impianti’s new SRUTM Solvent Recovery Unit


Laminati Cavanna, the specialist in flexible packaging for third parties, has installed an activated carbon solvent recovery UNIT WITH NITROGEN regeneration created by the leader in this sector: DEC Impianti. An investment which safeguards the environment

Laminati Cavanna inaugurazione

Protagonist in the latest years of a technological update of extraordinary importance, both as regards to the new machines installed in the company and the courage to invest during the Covid period, when it would perhaps have been easier to hold on and wait for an improvement in the economic situation, Laminati Cavanna does not wait, but rather continues to invest and looks to the future with positivity. This time the protagonist of this article is not a new laminator, but the activated carbon Solvent Recovery Unit with Nitrogen regeneration created in collaboration with DEC Impianti, for an all-Italian partnership, the flagship of the flexible packaging sector, which sets out in this territory with its know-how and technologies to conquer the international markets.

Sustainability, a concrete commitment

As mentioned, several times during the beautiful inauguration morning of this new plant, last October 28th at Piacenza headquarters of Laminati Cavanna, this is an excellent example of how from circular economy theory you can then move on to practice, and this is what is needed more. For the company this is an epochal transition and the fact that Anna Paola Cavanna wanted to have around her the entire network of knowledge built up over years of work in the sector underlines its importance for the company, the territory, the partners, and the entire flexible packaging sector.

Laminati Cavanna_DEC Gli Ospiti“Our existing thermal oxidizer complied with the environmental regulations in force, but at this point in our journey I felt that the time had come to invest in the future, in the new generations, in the territory to which I am very attached, to demonstrate the values that as a company we have always carried forward and which will continue to guide our path. The packaging supply chain will be able to continue to have us a solid point of reference capable of providing quality products with an eye on the environmental impact of our activity”, says Anna Paola Cavanna, happy to be surrounded in this event by players of reference of the supply chain, the representatives of trade associations (UCIMA, ACIMGA, ATIF, GIFLEX), machinery manufacturers (BOBST and ROSSINI), the adhesive suppliers (HENKEL, COIM, DOW, BASF, SUN CHEMICAL), trade press journalists in addition to important international converters.

An investment which, in addition to bringing undoubted advantages regarding the respect for the environment, allows Laminati Cavanna to be able to recover and reuse the solvents, with huge savings also from an economic point of view and a gesture of great attention towards the territory and the social environment where the company operates and in which it is fully inserted, integrated and an active part of daily life with many social initiatives.


impiantoThe creator of what is a true masterpiece of industrial engineering is DEC Impianti, represented at the event by its CEO Andrea Formigoni: in just 5 months DEC installed and put into operation this plant which involved several companies and around fifty operators.

“We are talking about a highly innovative project because, if with the existing thermal oxidizer Laminati Cavanna respected the environmental regulations for the reduction of emissions, it was however unable to respect the dictates of circularity of the production process. Instead, with our new  SRU plant the company will be able to recover and recycle the solvents to reuse them in its own production process, improving the impact of the company’s activities on the entire surrounding area”, adds Andrea Formigoni – “this plant is in fact capable to recover approximately 1.800 tons of solvents Laminati Cavanna_DEC Andrea Formigoni DEC Impianti per year and guarantees a saving of 12.000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, that is the equivalent of planting 480.000 adult trees in this geographical area, approximately 30% of the territory of the Municipality of Calendasco. The positive impact will also be felt on the traffic  on roads and its relevant pollution, given that 120 tankers per year are needed to transport 1.800 tons of solvents which will no longer circulate thanks to this SRU. At a European level we have often had to deal with unclear regulations that created confusion on the market. Laminati Cavanna’s approach, that is looking beyond, respecting the environment well above regulatory requirements, bringing an economic advantage to its company, is an attitude that elevates the concept of sustainability to the next degree”, concluded Formigoni thanking Anna Paola Cavanna and her entire company for the trust placed in DEC Impianti and underlining how ,thanks to this new SRU, Laminati Cavanna will be able to reuse the solvent in its production process. The main problem that often blocks companies from making an investment of this kind is the difficulty in obtaining trust from the credit system, but this is another matter, which fortunately did not concern Laminati Cavanna.