PureFlexo™ Printing: Miraclon introduces another milestone for innovation of flexo printing


Controlling unwanted ink spread creates wider operating window, reducing unscheduled press stops and maximizing efficiency for flexible packaging printers

Last 24 June Miraclon organized a virtual event, Miraclon Innovates, to introduce PureFlexo™ Printing, a truly innovative product that allows an extremely clean printing with very reduced dot gain and, above all, remains consistent even with long runs. The plate doesn’t accumulate ink and then reduces machine stops for its cleaning. Besides it assures a wider print latitude if compared with the existing Flexcel NX solutions, both for anilox and biadhesives. PureFlexo Printing is available immediately to all Flexcel NX System users through the Kodak Flexcel NX Print Suite for Flexible Packaging. Designed specifically for wide web solvent ink on film applications, PureFlexo Printing maximizes press efficiency, repeatability and overall performance while enabling printers and prepress providers to experience cleaner print, stable color and a better bottom line for their business.

John Anderson, Director of Advanced Print Applications at Miraclon, explains how unwanted ink spread affects print latitude: “Ink that flows easily is a natural characteristic of printing with solvent flexo inks on film. When that ink flows in unwanted places it can fill in, cause bridging and build-up, creating ‘dirty print’. It’s not always easy to manage and is often made worse by practices designed to address other print issues – such as the use of harder tapes, higher ink volumes and over-impression. PureFlexo Printing addresses the issue head-on by using sophisticated plate surface patterning to resist and control ink spread, and sets a new standard for clean, predictable print.”

Schlotthauer adds that PureFlexo Printing and the reduction of unwanted ink spread has major financial benefits for both printers and pre-press providers: “For example, if an unscheduled press stop to clean plates takes about 10 minutes, and with a typical billable press rate of around $700/hour you can easily start doing the math about the financial benefits in eliminating some of these stops. Add in the reduction of waste material and post-print capacity implications, and the need to address unwanted ink spread proves to be a particularly significant one.”

Printers will realize challenging jobs more consistently and with greater uptime. Flexcel NX Plates with PureFlexo™ Printing can typically use a softer mounting tape without compromising image reproduction. This helps reduce voids and the need to over-impress, further increasing plate life. Prepress providers can break the cycle of chasing color, retouching and remaking plates, thanks to a more linear response, and a more accurate press to proof match.